
Showing posts from January, 2021


when this year first started, i wasn't exactly confident in the educational merit it would bring as my last year of high school in a newly-normal period of history. while this wariness is still prominent in a handful of my other classes, this english class has actually proved to be a pleasantly surprising challenge. something that immediately comes to mind is my improvement with the in-class essay. though nothing can ever change the sinking feeling of dread and horror that one feels when sixty minutes are allotted for you to somehow transform your muddled thoughts into expectedly eloquent words, i really think that i've gotten a lot better at the ICE in this one semester than i have over the span of a couple years-- and i'm pretty confident in my explanation as to how. the answer is technology. i've always hated hand writing essays, they always end up way too messy and my thoughts are never put down onto paper the way they are arranged in my mind, and i often find mysel

sometimes the sun gets in your eyes

Introduction: Retrospective reflection  When I first sat down to work on this project, I told myself that the thesis I am about to present to you will be what I structure this essay around. It goes like this: Those who are able to set aside the intricacies of life find freedom in the knowledge that they are an outsider-- unconcerned with the burdens that come with being an emotional human being or what said beings may think of their methods of obtaining freedom-- and have a deeper feeling of content with the universe's general indifference towards all people, without any emotional obligations. After I gave this thesis out to the open arms of the universe, I knew that I had somehow forgotten the way my brain functions . There was no way I was gonna write this upsettingly lengthy blog post without finding the loose ends that the unfortunate Thesis Version 1.0 inevitably contained. So with this, I present to you the disclaimer that point A is going to end up looking very different fro