knock it off
seed: stuff that makes me laugh for no reason While we were discussing the personalized obscurities of comedy this week, I kept thinking about this one particular video that fit very well with my sense of humor. I think this music video could be classified as low burlesque, because basically every major societal issue is treated with mock respect. The lyric, "you better f*****g knock it off, ISIS (ooh ooh)", makes me want to scream simply by reading it. This, combined with the composition of the song and the emotional beach scenery in a boyband esque fashion really ties the whole satire together. For the sake of the assignment, we all know that simply chastising an international terrorist organization will not stop the organization in question from "doing bad s**t". Personally, I find stuff like this to be really funny because I find joy in making fun of other people's ignorance. This video does just that because not only does it provide commentary on how these...