
Showing posts from December, 2019

brain no worky

(ok so i tried to rewrite the first paragraph of my essay with these guides bc i didn't feel like writing a Whole New Thought Process but it's lowkey a mess and i think the  online formatting may be messed up but uhhh thx for coming) Eminent domain systematically works to further oppress minorities of low income backgrounds with one goal in mind: the betterment of a corporation or government.  While, once upon a  time, the people of upper and middle classes flew to inhabit all  "available" (read: stolen) land in an  area,  today they look back to the groups of people  they forced out  to take over their  property-- again.  Not only do they destroy their homes, but they choose to  implement eminent  domain  disproportionately against  people of racial and economic minority backgrounds, with the full knowledge that  they  do not have the means to legally defend themselves the way a corporation would.  Those  corporations  who carry out  eminent

qualified critic gives arits review

(okay so i was at glimun the last week and my brain is broken; therefore this post is boring and i'm just tryna get that 10/10) Beneatha is arguably the best character in the story. She actually stands up to Walter, and may I say that he SUCKS, has her own personal passions and interests in things that she's not supposed to, wants to discover more about her lost culture, and knows that she's worth more than some bums who don't like her haircut!!!!! When Beneatha goes out with Asagai and then he reveals his True Clown Nature, roasting her for caring about civil rights and such, I really Vibed, because it just shows how misogyny is literally everywhere :)  At first, I tried to keep an open mind about Walter. It is understandable for a person to want the best for the lives of their family. While the liquor store investment idea was pretty stupid, he was still actively trying to improve their quality of life. I think Walter makes rash decisions and has such a quick