brain no worky

(ok so i tried to rewrite the first paragraph of my essay with these guides bc i didn't
feel like writing a Whole New Thought Process but it's lowkey a mess and i think the 
online formatting may be messed up but uhhh thx for coming)

Eminent domain systematically works to further oppress minorities of low income
backgrounds with one goal in mind: the betterment of a corporation or government. 
While, once upon a time, the people of upper and middle classes flew to inhabit all 
"available" (read: stolen) land in an area, today they look back to the groups of people 
they forced out to take over their property-- again. Not only do they destroy their
homes, but they choose to implement eminent domain disproportionately against 
people of racial and economic minority backgrounds, with the full knowledge that 
they do not have the means to legally defend themselves the way a corporation would. 
Those corporations who carry out eminent domain do so as if they have the powers of 
Jesus, an influx of wealth giving them enough superiority complex to make them
believe they could create pink elephants if they really wanted to. Their points of
opposition are filled with empty rhetoric, and the owners of the homes they choose to 
tear down are not buying their "make a world a better place" defense strategy.
While eminent domain can benefit communities in minute and usually insignificant 
ways, it more than frequently provides advantages for businesses at the expense of 
everyone in a struggling area. 


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