life update: starting to hate poetry a little less

shocking and revolutionary statement-- i think i'm starting to figure out ways that i can enjoy poetry! the mentor poet assignment actually helped me discover a lot of poetry that i really enjoyed. doing research on audre lorde made me realize that maybe not all poetry is just boring symbolism and metaphors about nature or the vagina by annoying and dusty white men or suffragettes, and that's the type of poetry i'm going to keep an eye out for. after learning a lot more about her for my project, i have such a huge respect and admiration for audre-- as a writer, as an anti-capitalist, as a queer woman. it's strange how much someone can imprint on you in such a short amount of time, i really did not start working on this presentation until last night. this poem specifically, when i was reading it i just went.. damn. i don't know, i guess this is literally so simple and i guess i'm just an idiot for not thinking about it, but maybe Looking For Themes That Entice You Will Cause You To Like Something. revolutionary, i know. it's like if you listened to one song and didn't enjoy it so you concluded that all music must be terrible. so i think my next step on the poetry journey is to look for some that "call" to me, aka are not extremely and terribly bland. sorry to robert frost i guess. and sorry to robert frost enjoyers. i still have nightmares from the 10 honors midterm. 


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