three brain cells = one essay

 sitting here with my potato chips fighting for my life trying to think of a good blog idea rn lol

ok i got one (it's been 15 minutes)

believe it or not, it's actually easier to write an essay when you have two other people helping you write it and only a handful of hours before said essay is due to be turned in. you'll never believe the type of stuff you and some group project members could crank out when running against a deadline!! that's what happened to me and my pals last week, sorry to snitch and possibly disappoint you mrs feldkamp, but it's the truth for most likely the majority of your students. but you're a teacher, so you probably already know that. i definitely would have endured a lot more mental distress and turmoil and suffering And And And if it had just been me writing that essay, so it's very nice to have people to experience communal suffering with! i love that we have a lot of partner projects in this class, it takes a lot of the academia-induced pain out of english. another good one is when i write something Bad, and my friend can be like, hey, this sucks! it's actually more comforting than it is disheartening, because i always worry that i in reality have no idea what i'm doing and it's nice to have other people point it out for the sake of everybody's grade. i know it would've been less anxiety inducing if we had given ourselves more time to work on our project, but when we tried to sit down a couple days before due and get something done we were genuinely physically incapable of doing so. i think there is something to unpack there about teenagers not being motivated to do assignments unless impending doom is very much so upon them, and even then i know a lot of people who could care less at this moment in time. but what's anxiety if not a good motivator? healthy stressors and all that


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